[:en]Additional services[:ru]Дополнительные услуги[:]

  • Date
      Meals in the Aktru alpinist camp are provided in a comfortable dining room equipped for 80 people, meals are prepared by two professional chefs. Foodstuff […]
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    On the territory of the base there is a cozy Russian bath for 8-10 persons with a big break room and a separate comfortable room for […]
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    On the basis of the camp there is a rental of special equipment for learning the technique of mountaineering and climbing. The rental is more than […]
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    Price: For a Group of 3 people 60000 rubles/person Instructor services: a group of up to 6 people-10000 rubles per day, training and climbing. The price […]
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    The price of transfer Kurai-Aktru: UAZ-31512 — 4 people with luggage – 10000 rubles. ZIL 131 (kung) — 16 seats – 25000 rubles. The vehicles are […]
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    В кафе вы можете приобрести: Выпечку (булочки, пирожки, блинчики, пиццы, торты) Горячие блюда ( супы, вторые) Омлеты, пельмени, вареники  (ручная лепка) Большой выбор травных чаев Зерновой кофе Прохладительные напитки Сухие вина Шоколад […]